Top 5 Facts About Growing Children.

Children are an amazing gift from God. A family without children will have sleepless nights contemplating when they will have one. It is imperative to understand the nature of children hence light them up all the time you spend with them. Here are important things about children you shouldn't miss to do from the time they are born. 1.Play A saying goes that:all work without play makes Jack a dull boy.Dont want a dull baby,do you? Absolutely not! After birth up to one week you should ensure that you provide ways for your baby to; see,hear,move arms and legs freely and touch you. Secondly,hold your child skin to skin.This will help your child develop a sense of mutual closeness to you all the time.As result,they will always put a smile whenever you hold them. From six months onwards,give the child safe household items to handle.They can also bang or drop them.Such items include:spoons and simple toys. However,put away harmful items such as kitchen knife,they are l...